The town has about 40,000 inhabitants, and was originally founded in the 1830s around the textile manufacturing industry. It weathered WWII rather well, so many of the original factory buildings still stand.
Now, for the remarkable features of this town:
1. It holds onto its history. Unlike Warsaw, which can't seem to decide between burying and displaying its tortured/prideful/important past, Żyrardów proudly refers back to its manufacturing past, even as it develops. Placards in English and Polish are placed around town offering snippets about the activities and people who once lived there.
2. It is developing intelligently. Again, unlike many towns I've visited in Poland, Żyrardów gets what makes it special - interesting architecture, a small-town vibe, and a rich history. Rather than tearing down the many abandoned brick factory buildings, they are being converted to lofts (swank!).
Here is one loft building, which I would be mighty tempted to buy into if I were a 30-year-old Pole working in Warsaw and just starting a family:
At the base of this building is a wonderful wine bar/restaurant serving Polish food which has been reinvigorated with interesting ingredients and food combinations (again, not something you see very often in Poland, despite its purported interest in becoming more European).
[Editor's note: should this post make you tempted to buy as well, you can find more info on Żyrardów loft living here and here. Just tell 'em YAIP sent you!]
3. Things make sense in Żyrardów. Only those who have lived in Poland can truly understand the frustration of dealing with Polish commerce. Salespeople rarely volunteer more information than is absolutely necessary, and there is a general lack of information everywhere you go. This can be especially frustrating in restaurants, where customers are somehow expected to know to ask, upon reading a menu, "what else do you have?"
Long rant short, in addition to the above mentioned restaurant, Żyrardów boasts an adorable smoke free (!) cafe with a wide range of beer and tea offerings. How do I know this? Because they display the things they sell right in plain view! Plus, they have an additional menu which lists other relevant information, such as prices and each beer's alcohol content.
4. Proximity to Warasw. People live in Warsaw mostly because that's where the money is. Jobs, stores, etc. No one lives in Warsaw for the culture, civic beauty, or housing options. Enter Żyrardów. My friend commuted by train from Żyrardów to central Warsaw for a year with no problems other than the tram delays which hold up the entire city from time to time. It's a quick and easy ride, similar to the New York Metro North line for commuters who live upstate or in Connecticut . All it takes is a small shift in attitude and suddenly people who once found train commutes unthinkable are finding themselves escaping the urban hustle and bustle for the peace and quiet of their country homes. Same goes for weekend visitors looking for a quick getaway.
Żyrardów doesn't yet appear in any tourist guidebooks, and with good reason. It doesn't have any hotels or guesthouses and it has only a handful of eating establishments. Nonetheless, my money is on this town becoming a weekend getaway for Poles and enterprising tourists in the next few years. All it would take is a little interest, then one or two B&Bs will open, and suddenly Żyrardów will be Discovered. Just you wait.